Welcome to Amanda Arnold Elementary School, Home of the Pandas!
We are in full swing of the school year and have welcomed back 400 students and 85 staff members to our school. Our PTO, families, Site Council, and community members all play an important role in the success of our school community. Thank you for your on-going support with the education of our students and your support of our excellent teaching staff.
Our school has a positive learning environment focusing on building relationships with our students, families, and staff. From the moment our students arrive, they are met with smiles and a friendly welcome to the day. The first 15 minutes of each day, our classrooms have BSEL (Behavior/Social/Emotional Learning) time. This can be doing a class meeting, team building, yoga, or lessons such as making friends or resolving conflicts. All teachers are involved in getting our students ready for learning to begin.
This year, we continue to use the CHAMPS model for our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This is a simple system using the CHAMPS acronym for Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, and Participation. We have implemented the CHAMPS system in our special area classes, the cafeteria, and most all classrooms in small group instruction. Each teacher developed the CHAMPS model to fit their classroom needs.
Our focus for Personalized Learning and A Portrait of a Learner centers on the 6 competencies of Collaboration, Communication, Community Connections, Critical Thinking, Innovation, and Perseverance. Be sure to read our Panda Press Newsletter about ways we are incorporating these into our school day.
We invite our families to be involved in our PTO and/or Site Council. To join anytime, please call our school office or send an e-mail! Communication is done through the Panda Press newsletter, AA Facebook page, principal emails through ParentSquare and consistent communication from our classroom teachers. Go Pandas!
Mrs. Stitt, Principal
1435 Hudson Ave. Manhattan, KS 66503
Phone: 785-587-2020
Fax: 785-587-2023